If you are not familiar with Assassin's Creed, the aim of the game is to sneak around and take out your targets in the most efficient manner possible. Just like with most stealth ...
One of the first person games I consider more unforgiving, your goal of this game is foremost getting from point A to point B alive. I am one of those people who loves to go ...
Planet Base places you on an alien planet where you have create a livable space. The graphics on Planet Base are very well rendered without being over the top, and there are ...
Prison Architect is a truly brilliant game that was inspired by early Bullfrog games such as Theme Hospital. You build a prison and then take in prisoners in order to make a ...
Mount & Blade was one of the first games to master horseback combat in a way that worked consistently and where the controls didn’t make you feel like you were piloting a ...
Factorio requires a massive amount of grind, it is part of the appeal since if you were really going to build a whole factory by hand with minimal resources it would take a lot of ...
There is no aim to the game. You can spend your time as a trader, or you can raise an army and take over the map. You can run around solving quests, help a sovereign regain ...
Dragomon is a 3D action RPG for PC that emphasizes quick combination attacks and evasion techniques. There is a trainer element to the game as you are paired with a killer rabbit ...
Mass Effect: Andromeda is the new game set in the Mass Effect universe. Although it is not a continuation of Shepherd’s story told through Mass Effect 1 to 3, it shares many of ...
Runescape: A total shock to the system.I first played Runescape over ten years ago and I logged in thinking that I’d see the blocky early console graphics, and was very, very ...