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Black Friday on origin - Autumn Sales on steam

Discussion in 'Theory, Research, Business' started by RazTutu, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. RazTutu

    RazTutu Member

    Hello PC players
    Black friday just started on origin.
    You can get titanfall 2 for 30 euro, battlefield 1 for 40/30 euro, unravel for 10 and a lot of other discounts. It's a big day for origin because the sales will grow up a lot.
    I'll just leave an unravel trailer :)

    The Autumn sales also start on steam on 23 november. Let's see what will happen. Last time I had the chance to grab a lot of cheap games that I still enjoy. Huge titles like the witcher 3 or fallout 4 will cost only 20-30$ !
    I will update this post with new information :) Until then just listen to this

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