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Where to Start?

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Bonniekiller, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Bonniekiller

    Bonniekiller Member

    So I have always loved playing video games. I grew up playing Mario, Spyro, Sonic, Pokemon, Zelda, etc. I never got into making them however.

    Here am an actual adult (kinda) and I am wondering where to get started in actually making games. It seems like everyone else has been doing it for years and when I try to do research on how to get started I feel completely lost and like everyone else is speaking Latin.

    Any tips on where to start? I am not really looking into doing this as a career but would like to be able to do it on the side for fun so any advice is much appreciated :)
  2. RazTutu

    RazTutu Member

    I'm glad to see you want to make games but you have to know that it is very hard.. It depends on what kind of games you want to make. I can help you to learn if you want.
    First, you need to learn a programming language(I know many languages so it's easy for me, and it would be the same for you if you do the same).
    If you want to make a game you have to use an engine to put things together. You will see that is very easy.
    There are 3 FREE engines that I think are the best and very easy to use.
    1. Unity ( https://unity3d.com/ ) - you need to know C# or Javascript if you want to make games here. I used this tutorial when I started:
    You can make both 2d and 3d games with this engine, on any device.
    2. Unreal Engine ( https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4 ) You need to know C++ to make games here, but it's worth it. Games like batman arkham or mortal kombat used unreal engine. It's free and you can find tutorials in their website.
    3. CryEngine( http://www.crytek.com/home ) - It's not as popular as unity or unreal engine, but there are a lot of games made with this engine like Warface( free on steam), Crysis 2/3, Far cry etc

    Now the hard part:
    If I was you I would learn javascript+unity and see that tutorial.
    Here it's a website I used( it's free) - https://www.codecademy.com/learn . Try to learn HTML/CSS/Javascript and then jump into unity. This is just my advice, maybe you want something hard like c++, it's up to you.
    If you have questions just ask me :)
  3. Kaidus

    Kaidus Administrator Staff Member

    Hey Bonnie, while its true most people start fairly early, everyone has been at your position at one time.

    Raztutu has some great suggestions if you want to make advanced indie games, however there are more options if you want to make a game with less effort, or a smaller learning curve.

    Very little effort
    There is a vieo game production site that lets you create some fairly simple games called RPG Maker. There is a lite version of this software to get you started that you can download here. I would say these games are almost as easy to make as designing a level in Super Mario Maker. There are other avenues for really simple games as well

    Moderate effort

    I say moderate effort, however even if you want to make more advanced games, Game Maker Studio is a nice fit for beginners, and its free! They have paid packages now that will allow you to make games easily playable on android and iphone devices.
  4. George Maclean

    George Maclean New Member

    Nice suggestions guys. I think this would go a long way to help me since i have also been very passionate about games for a long time now. But just as playing is so fun. I think making it likewise would be also fun. So i am very glad to see your suggestions and help. I would come back to ask any question if i get one along the way. Thanks again!
  5. Bonniekiller

    Bonniekiller Member

    Thanks for the replies everybody, now I have a place to start and some different things I can try. I know that it takes a lot of work to get good at anything but knowing some basics I can work on when I have time and mess around with will definitely help. Thanks again! :)
  6. KieranOk

    KieranOk New Member

    Game programming and game scripting are a little bit out of my reach at the moment, but even I can create a game. Because I've realised that game making doesn’t just belong to the big companies, now more-so than ever.

    I've always told myself ‘I want to make a game’, but I've only recently realised I CAN make games!

    I tried a few free games engines; there’s lots that say they’re free and turn out not to be, so be careful. I’m using the Polygon Engine. It’s 2D and easy to use, particularly as I have no coding experience, it’s just right.

    If, like me, you want to start a game making company some day, we have to start somewhere. As first steps go, making a game is a good start!
    I feel like a lot of people are in our situation. So if you want to learn to make games, create your own game, and even start a studio of your own, but don’t know where to start – I’ve found the Polygon Engine fantastic. Can’t recommend it highly enough for the complete beginner :)
  7. RazTutu

    RazTutu Member

    I think Polygon Engine can work, but if you want to become a full time developer you should start with something hard like c++ with Unreal Engine. Trust me, if you go for an interview and you say that you have experience in engines that don't involve code at all, they will laugh at you. At least they did it when I told them I used an old engine for a little game.

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